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The fortunate days (1922) (14755761505)


The fortunate days (1922) (14755761505)



Identifier: fortunatedays00gate (find matches)
Title: The fortunate days
Year: 1922 (1920s)
Authors: Gate, Ethel May Knowlton, Vianna
Subjects: Children's stories, American
Publisher: New York, Silver, Burdett & Co
Contributing Library: New York Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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be of any assistance tome and he bade me farewell, bidding me relyupon my sword. The princess is in a garden in thevery heart of the wilderness, guarded by thedragon, and I have forborne to slay the monsteruntil your arrival, being of the opinion that itwas wisest for her to remain where she was untilwe could devise means to place her out of thereach of the witchs magic, lest the moment shewas free from the dragon she might be spiritedaway again and all trace of her be lost. Then said the learned man: Tear no more,but take this ring. When you have slain themonster place the ring on the princesss fingerand kiss her three times, when she will be com-pletely restored. Then the prince hastily led the way into themidst of the wilderness, and there was a magicalgarden with all manner of fruits in it and theycould see the princess sitting under one of thetrees biting her nails as usual in an ill-bredmanner. At the gate lay an immense dragon withtwo scaly wings and horrible claws and when it
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At the third kiss she rose . . . and thanked theprince and the learned man most sweetly^ jPUBIJCLIBRARf STORY OF THE LEARNED MAN 125 saw the prince it spread its great wings with anoise like thunder and rushed upon him breath-ing smoke and flames. The prince, however, pos-sessed a stout heart in his breast and was noteasily dismayed, so he drew his trusty sword andwaited for the monster to come on. Soon a terriblebattle was raging and twenty times it looked asif the prince must be borne down and slain. Buthe always managed to leap aside just in timeand to deal a good blow at his enemy; and atlast he drove his sharp sword clean through thedragons heart and the terrible monster fell dead.Then the prince flung his sword to the learnedman, rushed to the gate of the garden andclimbed over without waiting for anything. Themoment the princess saw him she began to screamat the top of her voice, but he took no noticewhatever but put the wise womans ring on herfinger without more ado and kissed





New York Public Library

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