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The Eastern Counties; their watering places, cathedral cities, and other places of interest, together with the approaches from London. Maps and plans by Bartholomew (1886) (14593871968)


The Eastern Counties; their watering places, cathedral cities, and other places of interest, together with the approaches from London. Maps and plans by Bartholomew (1886) (14593871968)



Identifier: easterncountiest00ward (find matches)
Title: The Eastern Counties; their watering places, cathedral cities, and other places of interest, together with the approaches from London. Maps and plans by Bartholomew
Year: 1886 (1880s)
Authors: Ward, Charles Slegg
Publisher: London Dulau
Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto

Text Appearing Before Image:
Grounds.The Quarterly Review, April, 1887, says:— At Renvyle is perhaps thepurest and most fragrant air in Ireland or the British Isles. One of the loveliest places in the British Isles.—Star. We hope to come again, and shall certainly send our friends.—SYDNEYBuxton, Esq., M.P., 15, Baton Place, London. TERIVIS : 10s. per day; £3. per week. Mrs. BLAKE, Renvyle, Letterfrack, Gal way. GIANTS CAUSEWAY. *I, BOYAL HOVUto Xiately Renovated and Refitted with Bath-rooms, Rot and Cold Water, two large Coffee rooms, two Ladies Drawing-rooms, Private Sittingr-rooms. Breakfast and Luncheon from Is.; Dinner, Is. 6d. to 2s. 6d. Bed-room for one person, 2s.; for two occupying one room, 3s. Nocharge for attendance. Weekly Terms on application to Mrs. Kane. POSTING IN A 1,1, ITS BRAJfCHKS At the lowest Terms to Carrick-a-Rede and back, on daily Car,2s., or a party ; same Terms.This hotel is opposition to Causeway Hotel. Car and Porterattend all trams on public road. 40 %vt\mft.G lANTS CAUSEWAY.
Text Appearing After Image:
CAUSEWAY HOTEL. The only Hotel in Ireland which is lighted with Electric Light.A first-class Hotel, recently enlarged, and replete with every com-fort, with Beception Boom, Coffee Boom, and Public DrawingBoom, and accommodation for 70 guests. It is beautifullysituated, overlooking the Atlantic, and within a few minutes*walk of the far-famed Giants Causeway, THE ELECTRIC TRAMWAY runs from Portrush Bailway Station direct to the Hotel Grounds,a distance of 8 miles. Everybody should travel by the ElectricCars (the great wonder of the age), and stay at the CausewayHotel, where the charges will be found moderate. Charming Views, Walks and Drives. Asphalteand Grass Tennis Courts. Refreshment Kiosk & Electric Holophote. GUIDES, BOATS AND POSTING AT FIXED CHABGES. Postal and Telegraph Address— The Manager, Causeway Hotel* Bushmills. 41 GRAHAMS HOTEL, ZtsTIEW STREET (Near POST OFFICE, opposite PKESBYTERIAN CHAPEL). Tourists visiting Killarney will find this Hotel clean, comfortable,and ho





University of Toronto

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