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The earth and its inhabitants (1883) (21119678932)


The earth and its inhabitants (1883) (21119678932)



Title: The earth and its inhabitants ..
Identifier: earthitsinhabita583recl (find matches)
Year: 1883 (1880s)
Authors: Reclus, Elisée, 1830-1905; Ravenstein, Ernest George, 1834-1913; Keane, A. H. (Augustus Henry), 1833-1912
Subjects: Geography
Publisher: New York, D. Appleton and company
Contributing Library: MBLWHOI Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries

Text Appearing Before Image:
290 RUSSIA IN EUEOPE. names correspond exactly with the regions inhabited by the Malo-Russian race, which, grouped from the first in fluctuating confederacies, never enjoyed political unity. Apart altogether from the trans-Carpathian E-uthenians of Hungary, the other branches of the family, since the fourteenth century, remained long dis- membered between Poland and Lithuania. Those of the Dnieper had scarcely succeeded in acquiring a certain autonomy as a Cossack republic in the seven- teenth century, when they lost it by accepting the protection of Muscovy. The Eig. 146.—Little Rcssian Type, Podolia : Peasant of the Village of Panovtzi.
Text Appearing After Image:
name itself of Little Russia appears for the first time in the Byzantine chronicles of the thirteenth century in association with Galicia and Yolhynia, after which it was extended to the Middle Dnieper, or Kiyovia. Li the same way Ukrania—that is, "Frontier"—was first applied to Podolia to distinguish it from Galicia, and afterwards to the southern provinces of the Lithuanian state, between the Bug and Dnieper. LTnder the Polish rule Ukrania became pre-eminently the land of the Malo-Russian Cossacks. But Great Russia had also her "Frontiers"—that is, Ukranias—in one of which the Malo-Russian free colonies, or Slohodi, were formed






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the earth and its inhabitants 1883
the earth and its inhabitants 1883