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The Detroit Light Guard - a complete record of this organization from its foundation to the present day - with full account of riot and complimentary duty, and the campaigns in the Civil and (14759632141)


The Detroit Light Guard - a complete record of this organization from its foundation to the present day - with full account of riot and complimentary duty, and the campaigns in the Civil and (14759632141)



Identifier: detroitlightguar00clow (find matches)
Title: The Detroit Light Guard : a complete record of this organization from its foundation to the present day : with full account of riot and complimentary duty, and the campaigns in the Civil and Spanish-American wars : a complete roster of members at the time of muster-out of the United States service, as well as a roster of all classes of members
Year: 1900 (1900s)
Authors: Clowes, Walter F. 4n
Subjects: United States. Army. Michigan Volunteer Infantry, 31st United States -- History Civil War, 1861-1865 Regimental histories United States -- History War of 1898 Regimental histories
Publisher: Detroit, Mich. : J.F. Eby & Co.
Contributing Library: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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enroll-ment, and gradually climbing the grades of non-commis-sioned officers, he was elected from first sergeant to be sec-ond lieutenant on June 16th, 1890, followed shortly after-wards by promotion to be first lieutenant on Dec. 2nd, 1890,and when Col. Sidney R. Dixon resigned the captaincy ofCompany A in September, 1892, Lieut. Harrah was electedto succeed on ISTov. 15th, 1892, and mustered Dec. 6th,1892. When the election troubles in the Fourth Michigan M. N.G. finally resulted in its division into two separate battalionsin March, 1898, Capt. Harrah was appointed acting majorand placed in command of what was called the Second Inde-pendent Battalion. As the reader may know, there are three companies inthe Light Guard which are also in the state service, andthere is also a fourth company which will some day bea part of the state troops, but these companies in their LightGuard character form a battalion known among themselvesby that name, and Captain Harrah was also in command of 514
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Major Charles W. Harrahat Rodrigo, Cuba. the Light Guard battalion. Following what has been setdown, the reader may find in the general history an accountof Capt. Harrahs activity immediately upon the declara-tion of war in April, 1898, and, in fact, it is difficult to addhere much in addition to what is given in connection Avith hisservice in the late war. When the Stecond Battalion arrivedat Island Lake for muster into the volunteer army, CaptainHarrah received a commission from the governor to bemajor, and to which he was entitled by virtue of the charac-ter of his command. The commission was the first one to beissued after the mobilization, and he thus had the honorto receive the only commission issued to command a volun-teer force with the appointment made in field in time ofwar. Immediately after the news of the appointmentreached Detroit, a number of the Light Guard veteranswired a collective expression of congratulation and esteem,and the acknowledgment of the congratulations





Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center

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the detroit light guard 1900
the detroit light guard 1900