The comedies of William Shakespeare (1896) (14761809414)
Identifier: comediesofwillia02shak (find matches)
Title: The comedies of William Shakespeare
Year: 1896 (1890s)
Authors: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 Abbey, Edwin Austin, 1852-1911
Publisher: New York : Harper and brothers
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive
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Laun. Lose the tide, and the voyage, and the master,and the service. And the tide ! — why, man, if theriver were dry I am able to fill it with my tears; if thewind were down I could drive the boat with my sighs. Pan. Come, come away, man ; I was sent to call thee. Laun. Sir, call me what thou darest. Pan. Wilt thou go .■* Laun. Well, I will go. \_Exeunt, Scene W. — Enter Valentine, Silvia, Thurio, and Speed.Sit. Servant—Val. Mistress? Plate 30 SYLVIA AND VALENTINE Two Gentlemen of Verona, act ii., scene i.
Text Appearing After Image:
THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA 235 Speed. Master, Sir Thurio frowns on you. Val. Ay, boy, its for love. Speed. Not of you. Val. Of my mistress then. Speed. Tvvere good you knocked him. Sil. Servant, you are sad. Val. Indeed, madam, I seem so. Thur. Seem you that you are not t Val Haply I do. T/iur. So do counterfeits. Val So do you. 77///7. What seem I that I am not.f^ Val Wise. Thur. What instance of the contrary ) Val Your folly. Thur. And how quote you my folly ) Val. I quote it in your jerkin. Tlmr. My jerkin is a doublet. Val. Well, then, Til double your folly. Thur. How .f^ Sil What, angry. Sir Thurio ? do you change colour.-* Val. Give him leave, madam; he is a kind of cha-meleon. Thur. That hath more mind to feed on your bloodthan live in your air. Val You have said, sir. Thur. Ay, sir, and done too, for this time. Val. I know it well, sir; you always end ere youbegin. Sil. A fine volley of words, gentlemen, and quicklyshot off. Val. Tis indeed, madam; we thank the giver. Sil. Wh
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