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The chicago Record's war stories - by staff correspondents in the field; copiously illustrated (1898) (14781092811)


The chicago Record's war stories - by staff correspondents in the field; copiously illustrated (1898) (14781092811)



Identifier: chicagorecordswa00chic (find matches)
Title: The chicago Record's war stories : by staff correspondents in the field ; copiously illustrated
Year: 1898 (1890s)
Subjects: Spanish-American War, 1898
Publisher: Chicago : Reprinted from the Chicago Record
Contributing Library: Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection
Digitizing Sponsor: The Institute of Museum and Library Services through an Indiana State Library LSTA Grant

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eringaint what its cracked up to be, and theOklahomans and the boys from Indian terri-tory cordially agreed with them. Still therewas no complaint. There were few who werenot inured to hardship and some who had hadexperiences which made their life in campseem luxurious by comparison. Some of the most typical frontiersmen inthe regiment, though by no means all ofthem, were to be found in the Arizona squad-ron. One was Sergt. Samuel Rhodes, whohad lived his thirty years as a cowboy, minerand deputy sheriff in the worst part of theterritory. In the cause of law and order hehad had more desperate encounters with out-laws and Indians than any other man of hisage in the west. He is one of the few sur-vivors of the Tonta Basin vendetta, and hasnever counted it worth his while to notch thebutt of his six-shooter for Mexicans. Before he enlisted Rhodes was employing150 men to work a rich mine, of which he isthe sole owner. When he found that he would THE CHICAGO RECORDS WAR STORIES 153 on 5 CO
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CM^/£5 pfct -SCARCE ROUGH RIDERS AT SAN ANTONIO. TEX. be accepted he shut it down, flooding it toprevent any one from stealing the ore, andpostponed the making of his fortune till suchtime as he might return. Then there were Henry Sellers, an oldscout of Crooks in the Geronimo and Vic-toria campaign, a wiry little man, with mildblue eyes, who, according to the Apaches, is possessed with ten malignant spirts; DanielHogan, who followed Gardenas and Powell inthe exploration of Grand canyon of the Colo-rado; King C. Henley, whose specialties areSioux and Comanches. and Jeff Laforce. ofold voyageur stock, who, like his father be-fore him, has done nothing but hunt, trapand fight all his life. 154 THE CHICAGO RECORDS WAR STORIES Another celebrity was a slight-built,smooth-faced lad of 20, whose companionssaid he feared nothing on earth. His namewas George Younger, and he talked of hispap, Bob Younger, and of his Uncle Jesse, In the course of time there came a periodof waiting, not idle wai





Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection

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