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The Architect and engineer of California and the Pacific Coast (1917) (14595327347)


The Architect and engineer of California and the Pacific Coast (1917) (14595327347)



Identifier: architectenginee5017sanf (find matches)
Title: The Architect & engineer of California and the Pacific Coast
Year: 1905 (1900s)
Subjects: Architecture Architecture Architecture Building
Publisher: San Francisco, Calif. : Architect and Engineer Co
Contributing Library: San Francisco Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: San Francisco Public Library

Text Appearing Before Image:
all repairsare eliminated. With a little care OAK FLOORS will last a life time. % inch thickness OAK FLOORING is the ideal flooring for covering usedpine floors in old houses when remodeling, or in new houses over cheapsub-floors. When laid it has all the appearance of 13/16 inch thickness. When vou specifv 0.\K FLOORING be sure and mention .MADE FROMAMKRICAN GROWTH OAK, as there is on the market at this time onthe Pacitic Coast a substitute called Japanese Oak Flooring that is in-ferior in texture and quality. Have your superintendents follow this upand see that every bundle is plainly marked with a rubber stamp .M.VDKFROM A.MERICAN GROWTH OAK. Specify AMERICAN OAK FLOORING and Satisfy your Clients. See our page, No. 758, 1918 Sweets Catalogue, or write us for furtherinforniation. Oak Flooring Service Bureau 1603 UXION TBUST BUILDING CINCINN.\TI, OHIO RUBBER GOODS ALL KINDS OF BUILDINGS including MATS MATTING TILING Cotton, Linen and RubberHOSE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS GOODYEAR RUBBER CO.
Text Appearing After Image:
587-589-591 Market St. San Francisco, Cal. When writing t« Aitvrrtiicrt plraie mriition Ihit magaiinc 26 77//- ARCHITliCT .I.XP liXC/X/lHR ARCHITECTS visiting San Franciscothis summer are cordially invited tomake their headquarters at theBUILDING MATERIAL EXHIBIT, 77OFarrell street. Plenty of stationery atyour disposal, also telephone. And a cool,comfortable place to rest. r-^ DISPLAY Wf AT THE BUlffiiNG AUTERIAL: lEXHIBIT 77 0rARRtLL5T\S.F; Hotel St. Francis SAN FRANCISCO





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