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The Ansons in Asiatic temples (1885) (14579344700)


The Ansons in Asiatic temples (1885) (14579344700)



Identifier: ansonsinasiatict00dobb (find matches)
Title: The Ansons in Asiatic temples
Year: 1885 (1880s)
Authors: Dobbins, Frank S(tockton)
Subjects: Missions
Publisher: Philadelphia, American Baptist publication society
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress

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Bandwill be the better by having had its representa-tives in foreign lands. We need not follow the Ansons to their homein Illinois. They w^ere welcomed with joy bythe people of their congregation, both old andyoung. For awhile, there seemed danger lestMr. Anson should be overtaxed by the demandsupon him from other churches to come and tellof his travels. Finally, however, he reduced itto system; and many were the times that hethanked God for the privilege he had enjoyedof seeing for himself the mission work of Asia,and for the further privilege of telling otherswhat he had seen and learned on his long tour. 284 THE ANSONS IN ASIATIC TEMPLES. He soon saw the results, in an increased interestin the great work among the members of thechurches that he visited. It was nearly a year before Mrs. Ansonshealth was fully restored. Her experience inthis direction enabled both her husband andherself to sympathize more fully than theycould otherwise have done with invalided mis-sionaries. THE END.
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