St George and the dragon or the glorious æra of 1798. (BM 1868,0808.6796)
Pitt as St. George, riding a bull (John Bull), with a long spear inscribed 'United strength of the people' pierces a dragon with three heads. One head, that of Fox, has been already slashed off; the others are Sheridan and Tierney. The snorting bull tramples on five cocks (left), inscribed 'The Directory'. Beside them a dying dog, 'Spain', lies on its back. Pitt wears quasi-classical armour, his cloak floats behind him. Broad beams of light converge upon him from the three points in the arc of a circle, where are figures placed as if signs of the Zodiac; these are: a crescent, its beam inscribed 'Turkey', a double-headed eagle, for 'Austria', holding in one beak the paw of a pug-dog representing 'Holland'. A bear represents 'Russia'. Heavy clouds on the right are dispersing under the influence of these beams. 5 December 1798
Hand-coloured Etching
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