Skioptikonbild med motiv av religiöst monument längs vägen norr om Castellbell, i sydliga Tyrolen.Bilden har förvarats i kartong märkt: Höstresan 1909. Trient 8. No: 22. Text på bild: "Norr om Castellbell".
Skioptikonbild med motiv av religiöst monument längs vägen norr om Castellbell, i sydliga Tyrolen.Bilden har förvarats i kartong märkt: Höstresan 1909. Trient 8. No: 22. Text på bild: "Norr om Castellbell".
The Grand Tour of Europe was the 17th- and 18th-century custom of a traditional trip of Europe undertaken by upper-class young European men when they had come of age (about 21 years old). A Grand Tour could last anywhere from several months to several years. The tradition declined as enthusiasm for neo-classical culture waned, and with the advent of accessible rail and steamship travel, however, lengthy travel tours of Europe had become a regular feature of the upper-class lifestyle in Northern and Central Europe and no more restricted to the higher nobility.
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