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Review of reviews and world's work (1890) (14784793895)


Review of reviews and world's work (1890) (14784793895)



Identifier: reviewofreviewsw33newy (find matches)
Title: Review of reviews and world's work
Year: 1890 (1890s)
Publisher: New York Review of Reviews Corp
Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto

Text Appearing Before Image:
, so wildly terrible, thatthe stoutest hearts must quail. Even wild ani- mals shrink with fear, and one is always filledwith dread bordering on terror. It is all sosudden. A sense of some unknown fear per-vades all nature, as if the spirit of the worldhad caught its breath and held all life an instantin suspense, while sounds seem to beset onesnerves rather than to assault the ears. Thencomes a reeling, sickening, staggering motion,and fear, and human cryings out, and then quiv-ering silence for the space of a breath, followedperhaps by crushing destruction, or, it may be,by a sound like a great sighing, and the earthsettles back, that the pulsations of nature maybegin again in harmony. Then excited peoplefind their voices, bewildered faces gleam withintelligence, and every one is talking, comparingexperiences, wondering what it was, where ithad come from, and how it had gone away.Such have been my experiences with earthquakesin the Caribbean regions. *»*5j$i§i$S$?€€€e€««-
Text Appearing After Image:
II irrict !■siipcrinteiKleiu. A GROUP OF VISITING NURSES OF CHICAGO. THE VISITING NURSE AS A SOCIAL FORCE. BY FRANCES MAULE BJORKMAN. IN every densely populated city in the UnitedStates there may now be seen going aboittat almost any honr of the day or night, in theworst weatlier and in the darkest and mostsqualid streets, numbers of earnest-faced, ca-pable-looking young women wearing plain darkuniforms. — usually consisting of long, loose;cloaks and small bonnets, with short veils,—andcarrying plain black leather bags. They are al-most as familiar figures in the poorer quarters asthe Salvation Army lassies, and they are accordedan even greater degree of respect. Streets thatare dangerous to other people are perfectly safeto tluiin. Doors that arc; closed to every oneelse are opened quickly to tlieir knock. Wher-ever there is sickness or suffering they arealways welcome, and wherever there is sicknessor suffering they are always found. These are the visiting nurses,—trained sp





University of Toronto

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