Review of reviews and world's work (1890) (14781865744)
Identifier: reviewofreviewsw30newy (find matches)
Title: Review of reviews and world's work
Year: 1890 (1890s)
Publisher: New York Review of Reviews Corp
Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto
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b-lish for the first time : Albany, June 17, 1904. You may be right in thinking that an expression ofmy views is necessary to secure the nomination. If so,let the nomination go. I took the position that I havemaintained,—first, because I deemed it my duty to thecourt; second, because I do not think the nominationfor such an office should be sought. I still believe thatI am right, and therefore expect to remain steadfast.Very truly yours, Alton B. Parker. There, in his own hand, is Judge Parkers ex-planation of his silence. It illustrates his char-acter. He might have answered Mr. Bryan bypointing to his labor-union decisions and hissweeping common-law condemnation of combina-tions in restraint of trade. He might have shownthat he was under no political obligations toDavid B. Hill, for the reason that it was he whomanaged the campaign which resulted in Mr.Hills election as governor of New York. Buthe endured misrepresentation and caricature 164 THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS.
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Copyright, 19 4. by Pa< h Bros., N HON. ALTON BROOKS PARKER, OP NEW YORK ALTON B. PARKER: A CHARACTER SKETCH. 165 patiently. When the proper time came, he spoke,and the whole nation heard and understood. Judge Parkers message declining to acceptthe Democratic nomination for President, excepton the understanding that he would maintainthe gold standard of money values, was no moreremarkable and significant than bis refusal toplay politics from the bench. In these days ofstrenuous heroes, the American people welcomethe tranquil courage of such a man. The Demo-cratic party can well invite comparison of thepersonalities of Alton B. Parker and TheodoreRoosevelt. The Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals ofNew York is a man of impressive stature andhandsome appearance. He is six feet tall,weighs one hundred and ninety-six pounds, andhas the proportions of an athlete. He wasfifty-two years old on May 14. He has alarge head and the face of a country-bred gen-tleman,—strong, fresh-colored, a
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