Report of the cruise of the U.S. revenue cutter Bear and the overland expedition for the relief of the whalers in the Arctic ocean, from November 27, 1897, to September 13, 1898 (1899) (14581747317)
Identifier: reportofcruiseof03unit (find matches)
Title: Report of the cruise of the U.S. revenue cutter Bear and the overland expedition for the relief of the whalers in the Arctic ocean, from November 27, 1897, to September 13, 1898
Year: 1899 (1890s)
Authors: United States. Revenue-Cutter Service
Subjects: Bear (Ship)
Publisher: Washington, Govt. print. off.
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress
Text Appearing Before Image:
ith your gallantofficers and crew, Avill leave no avenue of possible success untried torender sxiccessful the expedition which you command. I transmitherewith orders to Lieutenant-Colonel Randall, United States Army,commanding at Fort St. Michael, and to Mr. Lopp, at Cape Prince ofWales, to extend to you and the overland expedition every facilityand aid in their power. In the next summer, when you shall havecarried to a successful termination the rescue of the people in theArctic and have them safely on board the Bear, you will sail with allfor San Francisco direct. 10 CRUISE OP THE U. S. REVENUE CUTTER BEAU. Mindful of the arduous and perilous expedition upon which youare about to enter, I bid you, your officers and men, Godspeed uponyour errand of mercy, and wish you a successful voyage and safereturn. Respectfully, yours, L. J. Gage, Secretary.Capt. Francis Tuttle, R. C. S., Commanding U. S. Revenue Cutter Bear, Relief Expedi-tion.for the Whalers in the Arctic Ocean, Seattle, Wash.
Text Appearing After Image:
CAPT. C. F. SHOEMAKER,Chief Revenue-Cutler Service.
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