Pylades and Orestes. (BM 1868,0808.5421)
Fox and North, both about to be executed by demons, reach out, one for dice-box and dice, the other for guineas. Fox (left) kneels on the ground beneath a gallows, of which he appears unaware, his neck is in a noose, and a winged demon hauls at the rope which is over a pulley. North (right) kneels so that his neck is under the blade which is supported in a gibbet (an anticipation of the guillotine) and is being let down by another flying demon. He is intent on the coins and ignores the threatening blade. Beneath the title is etched:
'O infortunati atnbo, si quid mea carmina possint
Ad impia Tartara mit. . . '. March 1785
British Museum
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public domain