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Pulpit Falls, Ithaca, N. Y., 1868


Pulpit Falls, Ithaca, N. Y., 1868



Pulpit Falls, Ithaca, N. Y., 1868
Identifier: bookofsummerres00swee (find matches)
Title: Book of summer resorts, explaining where to find them, how to find them, and their especial advantages, with details of time tables and prices ..
Year: 1868 (1860s)
Authors: Sweetser, Charles H. (Charles Humphreys), 1841-1871
Subjects: Summer resorts Summer resorts
Publisher: New York, "Evening mail" office
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress

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nersand fishermen who come each year from the large citiesas regularly as the game they seek. Biddeford and Saco are the most flourishing of thesmaller cities of Maine. Their business is chiefly of amanufacturing nature, and during the war large sumswere invested therein by sagacious capitalists. On oneside of the Saco Kiver is Saco, on the other Biddeford, anda few miles to the east is the beach. This, like Wells, is a favorite resort of the sportsman.The bathing and fishing are remarkably fine, and nume-rous picnics, camp-meetings, and similar entertainments arelocated each season upon the hard and gleaming sandwhich extends for miles along the shore. A wonderful curiosity of this neighborhood is SacoPool, which should be seen by every traveler. The sea,by a small passage, runs up a quarter of a mile into theland, and fills a large, circular basin, near which stands ahotel. This deep basin is scooped from the solid rock, andis emptied and refilled as the rushing tide rises and falls
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Pulpit FaUs, Ithaca, N. Y. 38^ SEASIDE EESOBTS. 53 again. The singular pool excites mncli attention from tliegeologist. The poetic fancy might people it with marinedeities or graceful sea-nymphs, who have made a quietcourt-chamher apart from the surging waters of the outerocean. Bat never by the noonday sun or the pale moon-light have their forms been seen. Nevertheless, this theo-ry is assuredly as plausible as any of the many which havebeen framed to account for this work of nature, so strangeand beautiful. CUSHINGS ISLAKD, PORTLAND HARBOR. In the harbor of Portland, Maine, about 3 miles fromthe city, is situated a lovely little island of 250 acres,known as Cushings Island. It commands as fine a viewof Neptunes domains as any spot on this continent. Routefrom New-York, most direct by Portland steamers Diri-go and Chesapeake, from Pier 38, East River, Wednesdaysand Saturdays, at 4 P.M. On this island, standing highabove the level of the sea, is a first-class hotel called theOttawa Ho





Library of Congress

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public domain

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book of summer resorts explaining where to find them how to find them and their especial advantages 1868
book of summer resorts explaining where to find them how to find them and their especial advantages 1868