Private diary of Robert Dollar on his recent visits to China (1916) (14783545652)
Identifier: privatediaryofro00doll (find matches)
Title: Private diary of Robert Dollar on his recent visits to China
Year: 1916 (1910s)
Authors: Dollar, Robert, 1844-1932
Subjects: China -- Description and travel China -- Economic conditions
Publisher: (San Francisco : Printed by W.S. Van Cott & Co.
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
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alculable. Then there are the German mines in Shantung province,in which considerable development has been done, but theyhave not exported much yet, the product being used locally.The Peking Syndicate have mines in operation in Honanthat promise to be big producers. Their product up to thepresent time has also been used only locally. It is a remarkable fact, but very difficult to comprehend,that China imports over 1,500,000 tons of coal a year. Thisinformation is taken from the customs reports. MANUFACTURES OF IRON AND STEEL The only plant in China is the Han Yang Iron and SteelCo., near Hankow. This plant has been running in a smallway for twelve years, but during the last few years it has beengreatly increased, and now has a capacity of 500 tons to 600tons a day of pig iron and about 200 tons of steel. Underthe present able management of Sheng Kung Poa as presidentand V. K. Lee as general manager, it can now be consideredas a great success. It is modern, up-to-date in every respect,
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V. K. LEEVice-President and Genl Manager, Han Yang Iron & Steel WorksTlie Man Behind tlie Gun in tlie CommercialAffairs of China ROBERT DOLLAR yj and, of its size, is as good as the best in any countiy, havingits own iron mines, coal mines, coke ovens, steamers andbarges. With the exception of a few technical men their entirestaff is Chinese and they have succeeded in getting Chineseto manage the details of the plant as creditably as any ironworks are managed in the United States. Their product isdisposed of in China. Japan and the Pacific Coast of America.During 1911 the latter place will take 20.000 tons of foundrypig iron and 40.000 tons of basic pig iron. So the UnitedStates is their best customer, but there is great room forexpansion. We commend the iron industry of China to thecareful consideration of those interested in America. REPORT ox IRON AND IROX ORE Iron ore has not been much looked after in China, andthe only mine of any importance that is worked is the YahYei mine
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