Phaeton Rogers; a novel of boy life (1881) (14566176537)
Identifier: phaetonrogersnov00john (find matches)
Title: Phaeton Rogers; a novel of boy life
Year: 1881 (1880s)
Authors: Johnson, Rossiter, 1840-1931
Publisher: New York, C. Scribner's Sons
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on ascensions and g^SSirS^^lfitetoein quieter and more useful mechanical problems. Other characters contr oute inshare-Isaac Holman, the learned boy, Jimmy Redmond, the poetical boy, anRogers, brother of the hero, the impulsive and blundering 1 oy. *i*For sale by all booksellers, or will be sent prepaid, upon receipt of price, by CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS, PUBLISHERS, 743 and 745 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. /;>/- children, what could be better as a Christmas gift than a copy of MrsHANS BRINKER; OR THE SILVER SKATES, of wh£h we are noX$enan™a <capful edition? 7 his is one of the most charming of juvenile stories, dealing wjres. scenes and a strange lije, and told with sweet simplicity and treat beautv —<;REGATJONAI,IST. A y A NEW ILLUSTRATED EDIT1OY HANS BRINKER: Or, THE SILVER SKATES. A STORY OF LIFE IN HOLLAND.By Mrs. MARY MAPES DODGE, AI-THOR OF RHYMES AND JINGLES, AND EDITOR OF ST. NICHOLAS. WITH TWELVE FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS.One 1olunie, IZtno, Clot It, levelled edyes - $1.50.
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destfntd f h e ® ose st°« ^ich i, to be a source of perennial delight to generation after generation of children. It in Holland, a country which changes so little that a story of people whowenty years ago might be told of to-day as well; and it is marked throughby a v,v.c,ty, a freshness, and a healthy vigor, which goes straight to the heart*:ry reader, whether he be old or young. V For sale by all booksellers, or will be sent, prepaid, upon rw.v ,f price, by CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS, PUBLISHERS, 743 and 745 BROADWAY, NEW YORK A Charming New Volume for Girls anil Soys. RHYMES AND JINGLES A »!/• J.ilition, with additions and \nr Illustrations.One Vol., Small Quarto. Cloth, - -
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Phaeton Rogers, a Novel of Boy Life
An illustration from the novel 'Phaeton Rogers, a Novel of Boy Life' depicting a scene with boys and a dog.
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