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Pakosław z Mstyczowa


Pakosław z Mstyczowa



Jędrzejów Abbey

Native name
Archiopactwo Cystersów w Jędrzejowie


50° 39′ 12.85″ N, 20° 17′ 04.02″ E


Authority control

: Q1775407
VIAF: 149797650
LCCN: n2011021173
GND: 5267880-5

institution QS:P195,Q1775407
Płyta nagrobna Pakosława z Mstyczowa

Cercha was born on 12 October 1818 in Kraków. He studied at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts and at the Painting and Drawing School at the Technical Institute in Kraków with Karol Ceptowski, Jan Nepomucen Głowacki and Wojciech Stattler. Cercha died in Kraków on 29 June 1907 and was buried at the Rakowicki Cemetery. Among Cercha's students are his son, Stanisław Cercha, and Stanisław Tarnowski.





with: Helcel A.Z., O klasztorze jędrzejowskim i będącym tam nagrobku Pakosława kasztelana krakowskiego, Kraków 1852

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