Outing (1885) (14742966826) - Public domain portrait drawing
Identifier: outing53newy (find matches)
Title: Outing
Year: 1885 (1880s)
Subjects: Leisure Sports Travel
Publisher: (New York : Outing Pub. Co.)
Contributing Library: Tisch Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries
Text Appearing Before Image:
looks at date, and not even one of ourmuch-assessed stockholders knows justwhere he would find a better lookinginvestment for his money. Lastly, ourlarge, strong manager will never have avote of censure passed against him. Underthe creed of Texas, angels could do nomore than he did. A new railroad is coming down the val-ley, and there will probably be a stationwithin three-quarters of a mile of our ranchhouse. These things do not elate us.Neither are we unduly enthusiastic overthe probable profit of hog-raising. Weare all much calmer now. What we wantto do is to catch the hay market of SanAntonio some dry season, when we havea few hundred tons of hay by reason ofour pump, and when all the rest of thecountry is burnt up with drought. Weshall then have our revenge. In that case,there will be a fiesta on our ranch for thelarge, strong manager, the practical Ger-man farmer and his wife, Senor Cantu yMontro y-Something-or-Other, his devoutCastilian labor union, and everyone elseconcerned.
Text Appearing After Image:
KED-TIME — Durn it! my feet aint dirty nohow Drawing by Worth Brehm. THE PRAYER OF LITTLECHILDREN BY FRANK HEPBURN CRAWFORD
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