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Our country and its resources; (1917) (14760462256)


Our country and its resources; (1917) (14760462256)



Identifier: ourcountryitsres00hopk (find matches)
Title: Our country and its resources;
Year: 1917 (1910s)
Authors: Hopkins, Albert A. (Albert Allis), 1869-1939
Subjects: United States. (from old catalog)
Publisher: New York, Munn & co., inc.
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation

Text Appearing Before Image:
AND AUGUST. The Zenith constellation for July andAugust is Lyra, the Lyre, with its bright blue-white star, Vega, nearly directly overhead.Just west of the Zenith is the constellationHaroules whose stari form a ragged-looking H.Below this constellation is Ophiuchus whonvs in his grasp the constellation Serpens ortie Serpent. Low down in the south theconstellation of Scorpio has dragged its fulllength above the horizon and it is easy totrace its body and tail ending with the stars A and v. The opposite side of the Milky Waynow stretches its length across the sky, con-taining in its extent many brilliant con-stellations. Just east of Scorpio is theconstellation of Sagittarius,, the Archer.Well up in the_ southeast is the star Altair cfthe constellation Aquila, the Eagle, and.just above Altair is the tinv constellation-,Sagitta or the Arrow. To the east may beseen Delphinus, the Dolphin, while to the east ofLyra is the constellation of Cygn us, the Swan, HI m;;j (HINTKY AND ITS RESOURCES
Text Appearing After Image:
At ii oclock; Sept 10:30 At 9 oclock: June 7■.30 M At 9:30 oclock: September 29 NIGHT SKY: SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER. Our map for these two months shows noconstellation immediately overhead. Half-way between the Zenith and the Pole Staris the constellation of Cephus, a badly formedW made up of stars that are not very bright,with the exception of a which is of secondmagnitude. The Milky Way now stretchesoverhead and makes a beautiful sight on amoonless ni?ht. About thirtv degrees southof the Zenith is the constellation Pegasus.Its three stars, y, a, and 0 form with the star aof the constellation Andromeda, a large square known as the Square of Pegasus. Belowthe constellation Pegasus is that of Aquarius,the Water Bearer, while to the southwest istin- zodiacal constellation of Caprieornus. theSea Goat. This constellation is marked by avery pretty naked eye dauble at o. Themost conspicuous star in the south is Fomal-haut, of the Southern Fish. This brilliantstar can hardly be appreciated in





Library of Congress

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our country and its resources 1917
our country and its resources 1917