Ornithological biography, or An account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America; accompanied by descriptions of the objects represented in the work entitled The birds of America, and interspersed with delineations of American scenery and manners
Vol. 4 has title: Ornithological biography, or An account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America, accompanied by descriptions of the objects represented in the work entitled Birds of America, together with an account of the digestive organs of many of the species, illustrated by engravings on wood ...
Title of vol. 5 identical with that of vol. 4, except for insertion of the word "The" before "Birds of America".
Vol. 2-5 published in Edinburgh, by A. & C. Black; [etc., etc.] vol. 2, 1834; vol. 3, 1835; vol. 4, 1838; vol. 5, 1849 (i.e. 1839)
"I feel pleasure in here acknowledging the assistance ... received from ... Mr. William Macgillivray ... in completing the scientific details ... of my ornithological biographies."--Author's "Introductory address": v. 1, p. xviii-xix.
First edition. Later editions of text and plates combined, with alterations, were published in octavo, under the title: The birds of America, from drawings made in the United States and their territories.
The folio ed. of "The birds of America" was published without text; v. 1 of the present work furnishes text for plates I-C; vol. 2 for plates CI-CC; vol. 3 for plates CCI-CCC; vol. 4 for plates CCCI-CCCLXXXVII; vol. 5 contains for plates CCCLXXXVIII-CCCCXXXV, and in addition "Descriptions of species found in North America, but not figured in the 'Birds of America'": p. [305]-336, and Appendix: comprising additional observations on the habits, geographical distribution, and anatomical structure of the birds described in this work; together with corrections of errors relative to the species": p. [337]-646.
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