Operations at work in the Warrior Preparation Center, Air Operations Center, Ramstein Air Base, Germany, during exercise UNION FLASH 01. This center injects very realistic war fighting scenarios to training audiences, then fights to defeat them. The USAFE (US Air Force in Europe) sponsored exercise UNION FLASH 01 to train the Joint Force Air Component Commander, The Joint Air Operations Center and the USAREUR (US Army Europe) Battlefield Coordination Element using computer simulation and state-of-the-art software programs in the art of war planning and execution
The original finding aid described this photograph as:
Subject Operation/Series: UNION FLASH 01
Base: Ramstein Air Base
State: Rheinland-Pfalz
Country: Deutschland / Germany (DEU)
Scene Major Command Shown: USAFE
Scene Camera Operator: MSGT Bill Kimble, USAF
Release Status: Released to Public
Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files
The U.S. National Archives
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