Notable men of Illinois and their state (1912) (14582345688)
Identifier: notablemenofillichic (find matches)
Title: Notable men of Illinois & their state
Year: 1912 (1910s)
Subjects: Bankers Industrialists Lawyers Merchants Municipal officials and employees Pharmacists Physicians Real estate agents State governments
Publisher: (Chicago) : Chicago Daily Journal
Contributing Library: Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection
Digitizing Sponsor: The Institute of Museum and Library Services through an Indiana State Library LSTA Grant
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BAUM, W. L., physician, Chicago; b. Morris. III., May 11, 1867: s. Henry and Elizabeth (Zorrman) Baum: ed.Morris Normal Sch.; M. D. Jefferson Med. Coll., Phlla.. 1888: special courses In universities and hosps. of Viennaand Berlin: since 1891 in practice in Chicago as specialist; treas. and prof, slcin and venereal diseases, ChicagoPost-Grad. Med. Schl; dermatologist to Baptist. German and Chicago hosps; attending physician tor contagiousdiseases in Cook Co. Hosp: mem. Physicians Club; sec. Chicago Medico-Legal Society; fellow Chicago Acad, ofMedicine; mem. Chicago Dermatological Soc, Am. Urological Assn. (treas.), A. M. A.. 111. State Med. See.Chicago Med. Soc, Chicago Pathological Soc. Miss. Valley Med. Soc, Tri-State Med. Soc: repub.: coroner ofGrundy Co., 1888: clubs, Chicago, C. A. A., Marquette, Chicago Yacht (fleet surgeon); office, 31 N. State St. 60
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CRITCHFIELD, HARRY D., lawyer and sales manager of the Automatic Electric Co.. Chicago, was born inKno.x Co., O., in 1863: was educated in the public schools, admitted lo the Ohio in 1S89, and practiced inMount Vernon until 1S97. In 1S96 he was elected secretary of the Ohio Independent TiOephone Association. In1897 he was chairman of the constitution committee at the time of the orsanization of the Independent TelephoneAssociation of the U. S., and has been a member of either the advisory board or exei-utixc committee of tliat asso-ciation since it was founded. He was general counsel tor the association for live \ears. In l.sus he weni tn Cleve-land and became general counsel for the Everett-Moore s\ iidiralc in the di-vclnpincnt of their leleplionc pmiier-ties. During this time he prepared the contract for interctiaiige n! business lictuern indcpnident lout; distancecompanies and independent exchange companies, the pioneer contracl nf iis kind, wliich l)e<-aiiie llie standard
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