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New York, the metropolis - its noted business and professional men. (1893) (14595872958)


New York, the metropolis - its noted business and professional men. (1893) (14595872958)



Identifier: newyorkmetropoli00spra_0 (find matches)
Title: New York, the metropolis : its noted business and professional men.
Year: 1893 (1890s)
Authors: Sprague, John Franklin.
Publisher: (New York) : New York Recorder
Contributing Library: Columbia University Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: The Durst Organization

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themselves at 35 Carmine Street.Ihe year after they began the directory gave the names of570 grocers, Park & Tilford not even being included in thelist. We understand there is only one house there mentionednow in existence. In 1847 the business had so increased and a keen judgment of men and things, accounted inlarge measure for his e.xtraordinary success, as also thesagacity shown in oi)ening branch stores in new localities inadvance of population. His good nature and kindness ofdisposition were proverbial, compelling the affection as well »as respect of all who knew him, including his largearmy of employes, some of whom had grown up in thefirm from boys. When he passed away quietly and grace-fully on the 7th of January, 1891, it was to the deep regretof those with whom he had associated, and to the undyinggrief of his friend and jiartner, Mr. Park, who to this daycan hardly speak of him without the tribute of a tear. Mr.Tilford was married in 1840 to Miss Jane \\hite, a native
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Columbia University Libraries

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new york the metropolis its noted business and professional men 1893
new york the metropolis its noted business and professional men 1893