New illustrations of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus comprehending an elucidation of the serveral parts of the fructification;
Issued in parts.
Title page bound in vol. 1 part second.
LC copy from the libraries of Crawford Antrobus and Albert Pam, with their bookplates.
Engraved half title: A British trophy in honour of Linnaeus ; engraved special title pages include one for the temple of Flora dated 1799.
Library of Congress. Lessing J. Rosenwald collection, 1778
Bookplates of Crawford Antrobus and Albert Pam.
Rosenwald catalog mistakenly gives call number as: QK92.I59
LAC scc 2018-11-20 update (2 card)
AI Findings
New illustrations of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus
Botanical illustration depicting the Linnaean system of plant classification based on the sexual characteristics of flowers.
Library of Congress
Copyright info
Public Domain