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Matthew William Peters, R.A., his life and work (1913) (14759750556)


Matthew William Peters, R.A., his life and work (1913) (14759750556)



Identifier: matthewwilliampe00mann (find matches)
Title: Matthew William Peters, R.A., his life and work
Year: 1913 (1910s)
Authors: Manners, Victoria, Lady, 1876-1933
Subjects: Peters, Matthew William, 1741 or 2-1814
Publisher: London : The Connoisseur
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive

Text Appearing Before Image:
putation made the appointment noless of a compliment to the province than to its recipient. His installation took placein June, the preliminary announcement of the event being advertised in the Lincoln,Rutland, and Stamford Mercury. Between this announcement, which was made onthe 1st of the month, and the actual ceremony, which took place on the 21st, Peterssustained a domestic bereavement in the death of his second child—an infant daughterElizabeth. According to an entry in the Woolsthorpe Registry, the burial took placeon the 12th, m the inner south-east angle of the old ruined church of this parish. This sad event must have considerably marred Peterss pleasure in receiving hiswell-deserved honour. The ceremony took place at the George Inn, Grantham, andwas preceded by a religious service at the parish church. The lodges taking partcomprised the St. Matthews Lodge, Barton-on-Humber; the Prince of Wales Lodge,Gainsborough; and the Doric Lodge, Grantham. Peters was installed by John
Text Appearing After Image:
HIS LIFE AND WORK 29 Dodsworth, of the Doric Lodge. It was eminently characteristic of the newly appointedProvincial Grand Master that his first official action should be the drafting of a loyaladdress to the Prince of Wales from the brethren then assembled. He himself tookthis to London for presentation, his stay in the country being obviously of shortduration. He was not able to effect his purpose until about a month had elapsed, foron the 2nd of August he writes to his friend, the Rev. Matthew Barnett, of St. MatthewsLodge, that owing to the Princes absence from town he had only been able to see hima few days previously. He goes on to say that the Prince was much flattered bythe attention of the brethren, and we have very much credit and honour in being thefirst who paid that very necessary and proper compliment to His Royal Highness. The kudos resulting from this affair may have caused Peterss further appointmentas Deputy to Thomas Boothby Parkyns, Grand Master of Notts., Derby, L


AI Findings

Matthew William Peters, RA, His Life and Work (1913)

London, England

A portrait of Matthew William Peters, an 18th-century English portrait and subject painter, and clergyman.





University of California

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public domain

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