Marvels of the new West - a vivid portrayal of the stupendous marvels in the vast wonderland west of the Missouri River - comprising marvels of nature, marvels of race, marvels of enterprise, marvels (14578415307)
Identifier: marvelsofnewwest1889thay (find matches)
Title: Marvels of the new West : a vivid portrayal of the stupendous marvels in the vast wonderland west of the Missouri River : comprising marvels of nature, marvels of race, marvels of enterprise, marvels of mining, marvels of stock-raising, and marvels of agriculture, graphically and truthfully described
Year: 1887 (1880s)
Authors: Thayer, William Makepeace, 1820-1898
Publisher: Norwich, Conn. : Henry Bill Pub. Co.
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University
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of Zuni, entrance to thembeing by ladders, as there are neither doors nor windows in the loweristories. The first and largest town is called Harro ; and contains a popu-lation of about two thousand persons. . . . The population of all thevillages is supposed to be about six thousand. Of their religious belief: They believe in a Great Father, who•dwelt where the sun rises, and of a Great Mother, who lived wherethe sun sets. She peopled the earth by bringing from her own homenine things, from which sprang the different races of men. First,the deer race ; second, the sand race; third, the water race; fourth,the bear race; fifth, the hare race; sixth, the prairie-wolf race;seventh, the rattlesnake race; eighth, the tobacco-plant race; andninth, the seed-grass race. That after death, they assumed the formfrom which they originally sprang, thus aiding to form anew thedecaying elements of the earth. ^They never plough or irrigate their lands, depending entirely 208 MARVELS OF THE NEW WEST,
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upon the natural fall of rain ; their only agricultural implement is akind of hoe; with this they plant corn, beans, onions, melons, pump-kins, cotton, and a species of tobacco-plant, in the valleys around MARVELS OF RACE. 209 them. They also knit, weave, and spin very nicely, as do the Zunisand the others of the Pueblo tribes. One very singular fact is, that, while the whole seven villages arewithin a radius of six miles, the people of Harro speak a differentlanguage from those of the remaining six villages, and seem to havepreserved their manners and customs intact, as well as their language,for centuries ; and another singular fact is, that, while the people ofHarro understand and can converse in the language spoken by thepeople of the other villages, the latter neither understand nor canconverse in the language spoken by the people of Harro. . . . I was surprised, upon offering them some whiskey, to have themdecline it; also, to learn that the vice of drunkenness was unknownamong
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