Longmire Springs, ca 1900 (MOHAI 6552)
James Longmire homesteaded near the Nisqually Glacier on Mount Rainier. By 1890, he and his family had built a wagon road and a hotel on the property for people to visit the nearby mineral springs and explore Mount Rainier. The Longmire family ran the hotel, organized pack trains and served as guides for mountain climbing. Their property eventually became part of Mount Rainier National Park.
This photo, probably taken sometime around 1900, shows the Longmire family's hotel at Longmire Springs. The oldest part of the building is on the left, with later additions to the right. Over the century since the park opened in 1899, several hotels have been built on the site. The man standing in the foreground is probably one of James Longmire's sons.
Original title: Longmyer [sic] Springs.
Subjects (LCTGM): Hotels; Longmire Springs Hotel (Mount Rainier National Park, Wash." National parks & reserves;
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