LDEF (Postflight), S0001 : Space Debris Impact Experiment, Tray G04
LDEF (Postflight), S0001 : Space Debris Impact Experiment, Tray G04 The Space Debris Impact Experiment con sist of a three sixteenth (3/16) of an inch thick chromic anodized aluminum panel mounted in a three (3) inch deep LDEF experiment tray. The side of the plate exposed to the LDEF interior is painted with Chemglaze Z-306 flat black paint over a Chemglaze #9924 wash primer. The panels are attached to the aluminum tray structure with non-magnetic stainless steel fasteners. The panel coatings, a thin layer of chromic anodize facing out and the Chemglaze Z-306 black paint facing the LDEF interior, contribute significantly to thermal control of the LDEF spacecraft. The photograph was taken in SAEF II at the KSC after the experiment was removed from the LDEF. The light pink tint of the debris panel is a by-product of the chromic anodize coating pro cess and not attributed to contamination and/or exposure to the space environment. A brown stain is located in the lower right corner of the tray.
NASA Identifier: L91-11626 KSC-390C-2309.11
AI Findings
LDEF Postflight: Space Debris Impact Experiment Tray G04
Hampton, USA
Close-up view of the Space Debris Impact Experiment tray G04 after retrieval from the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF). The tray shows numerous impact craters from space debris.
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