Казімір Альхімовіч. Адпачынак Кейстута
Беларуская: Казімір Альхімовіч. Адпачынак Кейстута
Public domain photograph related to Polish history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Kazimierz Alchimowicz (1840–1916) was a Lithuanian-born Polish romantic painter. Born in Dziembrow, Lithuania, Alchimowicz was banished to Siberia for six years for his participation in the January Uprising. After his return, he enrolled in a drawing class in Warsaw taught by Wojciech Gerson. The class had a great influence on his later artistic works. He later studied art in Munich, Germany and Paris, France. While staying in France, Alchimowicz was a craftsmen decorating porcelain and earthenware crafts.
1840 - 1916
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