Juge du Tribunal Correctionel. (BM 1868,0808.6736)
Plate 9: Above the design: 'French Habits. N° 9'. Courtney sits heavily in an arm-chair directed to the right, his head in profile to the right; his hands rest on his knees. His dress is that of a Membre du Tribunal Criminel, except that his cloak is long instead of knee-length, and except for the colour of his official ribbon, which denotes the Tribunal Correctionnel. He wears a hat turned up in front with feathers and tricolour cockade; round his neck hangs from a ribbon the emblem of a bundle of lictor's rods, from which projects an axe. [The Membre du Tribunal Correctionnel wore a blue ribbon with white and red borders (as in this print), his bundle of rods had no axe. The Membre du Tribunal Criminel wore a red ribbon with blue and white borders. The Membre du Tribunal Civil wore a white ribbon, with red and blue borders, from which was suspended a silver eye. 'Costumes des Représentans du Peuple Français.'] His chair is on a round dais of stone blocks above a flagged floor. A wall behind is of large stones; a heavy fringed curtain is draped on the left. See BMSat 9196. 21 May 1798
Hand-coloured etching
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