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Jaarlijkse toneelprijzen in Den Haag uitgereikt vlnr


Jaarlijkse toneelprijzen in Den Haag uitgereikt vlnr



Jaarlijkse toneelprijzen in Den Haag uitgereikt vlnr Hans Tiemeijer, Trins Snijders en Mr. H.J. Reinink, directeur van het Holland Festival

Verhoeff attended high school (HBS) at the Hervormd Lyceum West in Amsterdam. After several years of working at temp agencies alternating with hitchhiking through Europe, he was hired in 1969 as an apprentice photojournalist by photo press agency Anefo where he was employed until 1978. Between 1979 and 1989 he sent photos of news and sports topics to about a dozen newspapers in the hope that they would be placed. But he also began to work increasingly on assignment for various daily and weekly newspapers such as de Volkskrant, Het Parool, Trouw, NRC Handelsblad, Algemeen Dagblad and Vrij Nederland. In 1984 he won the Silver Camera, the award for the best press photo of the year, for his photo of Minister Van Aardenne looking up after publication of the RSV report.





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