How to show pictures to children (1914) (14566575019)
Identifier: howtoshowpictur00hurl (find matches)
Title: How to show pictures to children
Year: 1914 (1910s)
Authors: Hurll, Estelle M. (Estelle May), 1863-1924
Subjects: Art -- Study and teaching
Publisher: Boston, New York Houghton Mifflin Company
Contributing Library: New York Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
Text Appearing Before Image:
)lifted arm cuts across the curve of her swayingbody and Dianas right arm cuts the long line extend-in-, from hiT kft hand to her right foot. The drawingof Millets Sower is on a similar plan. The predomi-
Text Appearing After Image:
From carbon print by Braun, Clement 4 Co. ST. MICHAEL SLAYING THE DRAGON The Lotcvre, Paris PUBLIC I TJLL HOW THE PICTURE IS MADE 23 nant curve of the Aurora is similarly counterbalancedby a series of shorter lines curving in the oppositedirection. Contrast comes into effective play where a goodmany figures are brought together: youth offset byage, gayety by seriousness, motion by repose. Theangelic beauty of Raphaels St. Michael is contrastedwith the ugliness of Satan; the rugged strength of St.Christopher by the infantine face of the Christ-child;the aristocratic sleekness of the horse in LandseersShoeing by the shaggy coat of the plebeian donkey.Such devices, however, must not be too pronounced.They are held in check by the laws of Consistencyand Continuity. In other words, the elements of agood composition are homogeneous, and hold to-gether well, so to speak. All the color should conformharmoniously with the one scheme and the flow ofline should be complete and satisfying. It is
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