History of the late war between the United States and Great Britain- (1836) (14764677115)
Identifier: historyoflatewaruss00brac (find matches)
Title: History of the late war between the United States and Great Britain:
Year: 1836 (1830s)
Authors: Brackenridge, H. M. (Henry Marie), 1786-1871
Subjects: United States -- History War of 1812
Publisher: Philadelphia, J. Kay, jun. & brother Pittsburgh, J.I. Kay & co.
Contributing Library: New York Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
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combat now raged with increasing fury ;the Indians, to the number of twelve or fifteen hundred, seemingdetermined to maintain their ground to the last. The terriblevoice of Tecumseh could be distinctly heard, encouraging hiswarriors ; and although beset on every side except that of themorass, they fought with more determined courage than theyhad ever before exhibited. An incident, however, now occur-red which eventually decided the contest. The gallant colonelJohnson having rushed towards the spot where the Indians,clustering around their undaunted chief, appeared resolved toperish by his side ; his uniform, and the white horse which herode, rendered iiim a conspicuous object. In a moment hisholsters, dress and accoutrements were pierced with a hundredbullets; and he fell to the ground severely wounded. Tecum-seh, meanwliile, was killed in the melee. After the rescue andremoval of tlie wounded colonel, tlie command devolved on ma-jor Thompson, fhe Indians maintained the fight for more
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