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History of the American Negro and his institutions edited by A.B. Caldwell (1917) (14769005184)


History of the American Negro and his institutions edited by A.B. Caldwell (1917) (14769005184)



Identifier: historyofamerica02incald (find matches)
Title: History of the American Negro and his institutions ... edited by A.B. Caldwell
Year: 1917 (1910s)
Authors: Caldwell, Arthur Bunyan, 1873- ed
Subjects: Negroes
Publisher: Atlanta, Ga., A. B. Caldwell publishing co.
Contributing Library: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Digitizing Sponsor: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center

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netaught him to read. He did that for himself. Having learnedthe words in his spelling, he began to associate them on theprinted page, and, to the pleasant surprise of his teacher, wassoon reading. The years passed slowly as he helped with the drudgery offarm work till he was quite fourteen years old. One Fourth ofJuly, his father refused him the liberty of joining his friends inthe festivities of the occasion. Instead, he was sent to the fieldto plow cotton. While crossing a ditch, the old horse fell. Theirate father, following a few paces behind, accused the boy ofthrowing the horse, which was unjust to the boy as it was nottrue. Nathan was treated to severe punishment. The fatherwent to another part of the field and the boy left, never to re-turn. Although fourteen, lie had not been to school more thanseven months. Making sure of his escape, he went to the StateNormal at Marion, Ala. After two years he applied for licenseto teach in the rural schools of the State. He passed the ex-
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NATHAN LANE BLACK. 678 HISTORY OF AMERICAN NEGRO animation, secured his license and began his career as a teacher.From this time forward, he taught, worked and went to schooltill he had more than completed the requiremnets of the NormalDepartment from which he was regularly graduated. Being ateacher at sixteen, he was known as the boy teacher. Hiswork compared favorably with that of his seniors both inpoint of age and experience. Not having yet the education he wanted he went North andworked through to the A. B. and S. T. B. degrees from a Uni-versity in the state of New York. It is interesting to note thatsuch were his industry and economy that he brought away fromcollege more money than he had when he entered. His manlydisposition and courteous deportment kept him in the goodgraces of both the faculty and his fellow students, who werealways ready to give him an opportunity to earn a dime or adollar. Dr. Black is not easily classified. He is a versatile man, force-ful and energetic,





Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center

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history of the american negro and his institutions
history of the american negro and his institutions