History of Franklin and Cerro Gordo counties, Iowa and biographies of representative citizens. History of Iowa, embracing accounts of the pre-historic races (1883) (14766463962)
Identifier: historyoffrankli00unio (find matches)
Title: History of Franklin and Cerro Gordo counties, Iowa ... and biographies of representative citizens. History of Iowa, embracing accounts of the pre-historic races ..
Year: 1883 (1880s)
Authors: Union Publishing Company (Springfield, Ill.) pbl
Subjects: Franklin County (Iowa) -- History Franklin County (Iowa) -- Biography Cerro Gordo County (Iowa) -- History Cerro Gordo County (Iowa) -- Biography
Publisher: Springfield, Ill. : Union publishing company
Contributing Library: New York Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
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now comprisesthe territory of Falls and the north halfPortland. Owens embraced congressional town-ships 94 and 95, and the south half of 96,range 19 ; townships 94 and 95, range 20,and the east half of townships 94 and 95,range 21. The places for holding the first electionin the different townships were fixed asfollows : Owen township, at the residenceof A. C. Owen ; Mason township, at Mc-Millens hall ; Lake, at the residence ofR. O. Sirrine ; Falls, at the residence ofA. J. Glover. In July, 1857, a warrant was issued toJohn Porter, afterwards district judge, inthe amount of $100, for forty days ser-vices in assessing the county. At the October election, in 1857, thequestion was submitted to the voters ofwhether the salaries of the county officersshould be increased to $300 It carriedby a large majority. On the 1st of February, 1858, court con-vened at Mason City, but immediately ad-journed to Livonia. By order of Judge Church,in February,1858, the general form of the townships <3
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&f. 4- S^L^r: THE N£W YOBK f PUBLIC U8KARY :£. HISTORY OF CERRO GORDO COUNTY. 609 of Cerro Gordo was much changed, butin number and name they remained thesame as at the previous division. At theMarch term in 1859 the form was againmuch changed. In January, 1860, George Vermilya suc-ceeded J. S. Church as county judge. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. In 1859 an act was passed by the General Assembly, which changed the formof local government in the various coun-ties throughout the State. By it a bodytermed the board of supervisors wascreated to supercede the old system ofcounty court, and was vested with nearlyall the authority formerly held by thatbody. The board consisted of one super-visor from each organized township, mak-ing six members in all, as the county wasdivided into six townships. The board of supei visors convened atMason City, Jan. 7, lb61, in the office ofthe clerk of court, who, by virtue of hisoffice, was clerk of the board. On motionof A. C. Owen, Elisha Randall was elec
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