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Historical collections made by the Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan


Historical collections made by the Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan



This volume is a collection of several different kinds of important historical documents published by the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society. The first half of the volume is devoted to a fourth installment of papers selected from the Canadian Archives at Ottawa by the Society's representative, B.W. Shoemaker, to illuminate British influence and activities in the Great Lakes region during the era of the American Revolution and the early American republic. Materials here pertain to the years 1788-1799 and provide information on British policy towards the Native Americans, Native American activities and attitudes, supplies, ordnances, corn relief , the condition of Michilimackinac's fort, treaties, Chief Blue Jacket, desertion from the British navy, new defenses, and miscellaneous reports. The second half of the volume continues the publication of papers from the Historical Society at Detroit begun in Volume 8. These documents include miscellaneous letters, warrants, legal and judicial papers, the constitution of a Ladies' Society, a thanksgiving proclamation, papers pertaining to Mexican prisoners of wars, and public addresses, including an address by the Port Sarnia Indians to the Queen. There are also citizen petitions, memorials, papers relative to a demonstration of African Americans and their evacuation to Canada, a Detroit census, an unsigned recollection of Patriot War activities across the border from Canada (1837-1838), a circular about Michigan's resources along with its replies, and material about the Young Men's Society of Detroit and the Detroit Young Men's Temperance Society. In addition, several pages are devoted to the opinions, addresses, resolutions, and letters of Judge Woodward and to the proceedings against the Earl of Selkirk. Signed articles include the narrative of an escape from the Potawatomi [Potawattomie] Indians in 1814, Congregationalism in Michigan, an account of the boundary dispute with Ohio, the Battle of Phillip's Corners, the early history of Lenawee County, and a history of the War with the Foxes and the Sacs. An appendix with notes, a general index, and a name index appear at the end of the volume.
Large folded sheet inserted.
"Henry S. Bartholomew, editor of second edition"--title page verso.
Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site.
Placeholder record for Project 1; ta12 2015-12-29







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