Historic homes and institutions and genealogical and personal memoirs of Worcester County, Massachusetts, with a history of Worcester society of antiquity; (1907) (14778893961)
Identifier: historichomesins04crane (find matches)
Title: Historic homes and institutions and genealogical and personal memoirs of Worcester County, Massachusetts, with a history of Worcester society of antiquity;
Year: 1907 (1900s)
Authors: Crane, Ellery Bicknell, 1836-1925, ed
Subjects: Worcester society of antiquity. (from old catalog) Worcester County (Mass.) -- Genealogy
Publisher: New York, Chicago, The Lewis publishing company
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation
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Dudley is a Republican in politicsand a Congrcgationalist in religion. He is a memberof the Douglass Congregational Church. He hasserved the town of Douglass as tax collector andselectman. Hemarried. 1836, Eliza Avery Prentiss, daughterof Joseph Prentiss, a lawyer of Hampton, Connecti-cut. Their children were: Arthur James, born May7, 18^9, of whom later; Louise Maria, born March9, 1842, married (first) Harrison Vining, of South-wick, Massachusetts; their only child was BessieVining, now living in Roxbur;-, Massaclfusetts; shemarried (second) James Manning, of Nevada, buthe died in Walpole, Massachusetts; Harriet Eliza,born in Douglass, May 5, 1848, married Edward Nel-son Pickering, of Boston, now living in Chicago,Illinois; they have no children. (VII) .Arthur James Dudley, son of James HillDudley (6), was born in Douglass. Massachusetts,May 7, 18^9. He was educated in the public schoolsat South Windham, Connecticut. He went to workfor his father in the hotel at Douglass and managed
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