Historia de la insurrección de Lares, precedida de una reseña de los trabajos separatistas que se vienen haciendo en la isla de Puerto-Rico desde la emancipación de las demás posesiones hispano-ultramarinas, y seguida de todos los documentos á ella referentes;
The Lares Revolt of 1868 sought the abolition of slavery, freedom of the press and commerce, and the independence of Puerto Rico. Six hundred men, led by liberals, drew up a provisional constitution and declared the Puerto Rican Republic, but they were defeated in their first clash with Spanish troops. Despite the movements quick defeat, during the 20th century the revolt has come to be viewed as the beginning of Puerto Rico's struggle for independence. Pérez Morís opposed Puerto Rican independence, but his work has served as an important study of the revolt.
Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site, and on microfilm (Microfilm 35800 F).
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