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Halcyon (1913) (14578638690)


Halcyon (1913) (14578638690)



Identifier: halcyon1913unse (find matches)
Title: Halcyon
Year: 1913 (1910s)
Subjects: Swarthmore College -- College Yearbooks
Publisher: Swarthmore, Pa.: Swarthmore College
Contributing Library: Swarthmore College Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation

Text Appearing Before Image:
Smith, 12; Albert R. Strang, 14. Second Tenors:Russell M. Cook.. 13; Roland H. Crew, 13; Washington Hull, Jr., 14; John J. Matthews, 14: J. Stephens Van Syckel, 13; J. Stanley Wethekalu, 1.5. /■irst Bassos:Louis J. Bbadfobd, 11: Edwin R. Muuch, 14; John W. Raymond, Jr., 14: Joseph H. AVillits, 11; Charles A. Collins 12; Harold S. Roberts, 12; Xorman Sherrerd, 15. Second Bassos:Charles S. Doan, 12; Alden B. Jones, 13; James E. Mitchell, 12; Laurence P. Sharples.. 12; David T. Dunning, 13; William W. Matson^ 15; Gilbert R. Phillips.. 14; Arthur P. Tanbeeg.. 10. iHanlinltn Ollub First Mandolins: Philip .L Carpenter, 13; William W. M.^tson, 15; Roland H. Crew, 13; W. Christie MacLeod, 14; Gilbert R. Phillips, 14 Second Mandolins:Harper V. Bressler, 14; Meyer W. Ginsberg, 14; Charles H. Osmond, 15; Laurence P. Sharples, 12. Guitar:Warren E. Gatghell, 14. SCHEDULE OF CONCERTSFebruary 16tli, at Moorestown. February 17th, at Wilmington March 9th, at Haverford. March 15th, at Swarthmore. 145
Text Appearing After Image:
(Under the direction of undergraduates.) Leader: Phebe Lukens. Assistant Leader: Elizabeth B Oliver. Manager: Iva Appleby. Assistant Manager: Mabel Werner. LuA E. Blair,Tbeva G. Blair,Alice L. Bucher, First Sopranos:Anna S. Clement, Phebe Lukens, Bessie C. Collins, Elizabeth B. Oliver, Anna E. Dana, Catharine W. Pugh, Mary W. Eoss,Mabie Stuyers,Mabel A. Werner. Mary J. Andersen,Louise K. Clement,Mabel L. Craft, Second Sopranos:Susan B. Eavenson, Ellen J. Miller, Blanche Gerhart, Elizabeth il. Roberts, Mary C. Lange. Mary C. Eobebts,Jennie H. Yerkes. Mabie Bender,Mabgabet Bishop, First Altos:Josephine Foster, Margaret A. McIntosh, Margaret Kerr, Marian V. Philips. Mary Reed,Ethel Shoemaker. Iva a. Appleby, Second Altos:Marion Coles, Anna Oppenlandeb, Flobence C. Miller, Dorothy Phillips, Mary E. Schmidt. Accompanist: Iva a. Appleby. 147





Swarthmore College Library

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