Germantown Gardens and Gardeners (1914) (14582870177)
Identifier: germantowngarden00jell (find matches)
Title: Germantown Gardens and Gardeners
Year: 1914 (1910s)
Authors: Jellett, Edwin C. (Edwin Costley), 1860-1929.
Subjects: Gardens -- Pennsylvania -- Germantown (Philadelphia). Germantown (Philadelphia, Pa.) -- Biography.
Publisher: Philadelphia: Horace F. McCann
Contributing Library: Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, McLean Library
Digitizing Sponsor: LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation
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59 son now is. Myles Y. Warren, who was gardener to MosesBrown, built at the northwest corner of Rittenhouse Streetand Wissahickon Avenue. John Kinnier, one of the mostactive men in the formation of the Germantown HorticulturalSociety, built upon Haines Street at the corner of EngleStreet. Henry Haines upon Haines Street near Chew Street,where he was succeeded by John Henry, and Robert Gilmore.William Grassie followed Saunders at the southeastcoiner of Greene and Johnson Streets, and David Cliffe, whocame from Danville, Pa., to serve as foreman to Miller &Hayes, upon his retirement, built upon Johnson Street nearMain Street, which place was after conducted by his sonWalter, after by David Cliffes widow, the same now beingowned by Emil H. Geschick. Upon Main Street, aboveMount Pleasant Avenue built Samuel E. Graver, where heyet continues. Upon East Mount Airy Avenue in 1882,Joseph E. Smith built, and also George S. Woodruff, thelatter being succeeded by Henry C. Woltemate, the seco
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