Georgievskie kavalery imieiushchie znaki otlichiia voennago ordena. Za vziatie gor. Khodzhenda 24-go Maia 1866 g. 4-go Turk. Lin. Bat. riad. Bibikin, bezsr. Krasnoperov, Ishkhanov, 69-go Gub. Batal. riad. Mitrofanov, 4-go Turk. Lin. Bat. unt.-of. Oslin, 1-go Tur. Art. Br. trub. Filin, 69-go Gub. Bat. unt.-of. Zharov, 4-go
Illus. in: Turkestanskīi al'bom, chast' istoricheskaia, 1871-1872, part 4, pl. 34.
Established in the February 1807 decree of Emperor Alexander I, the Order of Cross of St. George was intended as a reward for "undaunted courage" by the lower ranks (soldiers, sailors and NCOs) of the Russian Empire military. Article four of the decree ordered the decoration to hang from the same ribbon as the Order of Saint George.
Library of Congress
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