General biography; or, Lives, critical and historical, of the most eminent persons of all ages, countries, conditions, and professions, arranged according to alphabetical order (1818) (14597922439)
Pope Honorius III
Identifier: generalbiographyv5pt1aiki (find matches)
Title: General biography; or, Lives, critical and historical, of the most eminent persons of all ages, countries, conditions, and professions, arranged according to alphabetical order
Year: 1818 (1810s)
Authors: Aikin, John, 1747-1822 Enfield, William, 1741-1797
Subjects: Biography
Publisher: London : Smeeton
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive
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ew empress crowned by thepope. As tlie time when the emperor had .promised to depart for the Holy Land drewnear, he sent the king of Jerusalem, hi» father-in-law, to obtain from his holiness a furtherdelay of two year* more. Honorius was soprovoked by this application, that he dispatchedtwo cardinals to Frederic, with orders to informhim, that if he did not accomplish his vowwithin the time which he himself had fixed,the apoitolic see would no longer connive at hisdisobedience, and the breach of so solemn apromise. However, the pope, not caring tocome to an open rupture with so powerful aprince, tliought it most expedient to grant himthe further time for which he had applied,iiefore the expiration of that period Honoriusdied, in 1227, after a pontificate of ten yearsand eight months. By this pope the two reli-gious orders of Dominic and Francis of Assisiwere confirmed. He was a person of consi-derable learning for the age in v/hich he lived,and wrote various works: of which there are
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^HONORIVS^ nil ^PONT^ MAX ROMA REATO I i8 5. Ar TX . DE APRILE. HON ( 245 ) HON stII extant several Sermons ; The I/ife ofPope Cclestiue III.; A Statement of ail theRevenues of the Roman Church, publishedby Muratori, in his Antiquitates It.ilicx Me-dii ^vi, &c.-, Ordo Ronianus, ile Consue-tudinibus & Observantiis, Prcsbytcrio vel Sclio-lari, &c., published by father Mabillon, in thesecond volume of his iViubx-um Italicum,&c.; A Letter in Defence of the Abbi-Joachim, against Peter Lombard ; Epistol;cdccretalcii in Juris Canonici Libros, &c., pub-lished by Ciron, chancellor of the university ofToulouse, 1645, f*^ various Letters in-serted in the eleventh volume of the Collec.Conci!., the second volume of M. Baluzes Miscellanies, the first volume of the An-nal. Min. of Waddingus, and the fifth volumeof Andrew du Chenes Collection of Writersof French History ; and Decrees, Bulls,&c. which may be met with in collectionspointed out by Duphi and Moreri. CavesHist. Lit
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