Genealogical and personal history of western Pennsylvania; (1915) (14800949243)
Identifier: genealogicalpers01injord (find matches)
Title: Genealogical and personal history of western Pennsylvania;
Year: 1915 (1910s)
Authors: Jordan, John W. (John Woolf), 1840-1921, ed
Publisher: New York, Lewis historical publishing company
Contributing Library: University of Pittsburgh Library System
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Pittsburgh Library System
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entire avoidanceof the stereotyped and unattractive manner in wliich such data is usuallyIjresentcd. The past has been linked to the present in such style as to forma .symmetrical narrative exhibiting the lines of descent, and the history ofdistinguished members in each generation, thus giving to it a distinct personalinterest. That these ends have been conscientiously and faithfully con-served is assured by the cordial personal interest and recognized capabilityof tlie supervising editor. John W. Jordan. LL.D.. librarian of the HistoricalSociety of Pennsylvania ; and his associates—Rev. Andrew A. Lambing.LL.D., and Hon. Boyd Crumrine—all of whom have long pursued historicaland genealogical investigations with intelligence and enthusiasm, and areauthors of distinction. In order to ensure greatest possible accuracy, all matter for this work,after careful preparation, has been submitted in typewritten manuscriptto persons most interested, for revision and correction. THE PUBLISHERS.
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rn^xi^^w^^^-^-^^ WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA No other city, in proportion to its size, lias createdWESTINGHOUSE so many millionaires as has Pittsburgh. Thereasons are many, but chief among them is thefact that the men to whom the city owes her industrial preeminence aremen who work with brains no less than with hands. Foremost amongthem stands George Westinghouse, inventor of the air brake—able businessman, astute financier, public-spirited citizen, a militant man of affairs noless than a mechanical genius. The paternal ancestors of Mr. Westinghouse came from Germany,and settled in Massachusetts prior to the Revolution. Their predominantcharacteristic as a race has always been physical strength, combined withintellectual vigor and moral force. Through his mother, Mr. Westinghouseis descended from a Dutch-English ancestry, and can claim kindred withthose who have won distinction along the lines of art, education and re-ligious work. Viewed in the light of these facts, the personality and wo
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