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Fighting man of japan kendo ill-timed point and result


Fighting man of japan kendo ill-timed point and result



p. 39: "ill-timed point and result" from chapter "Kenjutsu, or japanese fencing"

Kendo, traditional Japanese style of fencing with a two-handed wooden sword, derived from the fighting methods of the ancient samurai (warrior class). The unification of Japan about 1600 removed most opportunities for actual sword combat, so the samurai turned swordsmanship into a means of cultivating discipline, patience, and skill for building character. In the 18th century, practice armour and the shinai, a sword made of bamboo, were introduced to allow realistic fencing without risk of injury. The study of what came to be known as kendo was even compulsory in Japanese schools from time to time. An All-Japan Kendo Federation was formed following the end of the occupation in 1952, and an International Kendo Federation was founded in 1970.



1600 - 1800


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