Felsensprengung am Monte Sabotino
Um Unterkünfte, Deckungen, Tunnels und auch Versorgungswege zu bauen, mußte der Fels gesprengt werden. Beachtenswert ist auch der steile Abfall des Monte Sabotino, immerhin befanden sich hier die Unterkünfte und die Soldaten mußten den Alltag in dieser unwirtlichen Gegend meistern.
The Isonzo Front was one of the First World War’s most brutal campaigns: 29 months of trench warfare, and 12 major battles leading to more than 500,000 casualties including 200,000 Austro–Hungarian troops. Italian death toll was awful: 300,000 of half of the entire Italian losses in the First World War were along this 90km stretch. Thousands of Slovenian civilians from the Goriza and Gradisca region died from malnutrition in Italian refugee camps during the campaign. Stretches of fortifications have been restored and a ‘Walk of Peace’ has been created threading through the truly beautiful Slovenian landscape linking sites of unimaginable suffering.
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