Ephrata Codex : die bittre gute, oder das gesäng der einsamen Turtel-taube, der christlichen Kirche hier auf erden, die annoch im trauerthal auf den duerren aesten und zweigen den stand iherer wittenschafft beklaget, und dabey in hoffnung singet von einer andern und nochmaligen vermaehlung
The first hymnal of the Ephrata Cloisters.
Manuscript (handwritten).
German text.
In ink.
Gothic letters with elaborate borders with lavish decoration.
Dedication (extra large folded leaf), title (double leaf), and 935 leaves with writing (not counting additional blank leaves); various pagination, in the original binding. On inside cover the note: "April 1775. This curious book was lent me by Doctor Franklin just before he set out for Pennsylvania."
Inscription attributed to John Wilkes (1727-1797) in the Report of the Librarian of Congress (Washington, 1927), page 112.
Staff notation.
Purchase; Anderson Galleries, New York ; March 16, 1927
Library of Congress
Copyright info
Public Domain