Egyptian - Scarab with the Name of Queen Tiye - Walters 4213 - Bottom
This steatite scarab is inscribed on the bottom in partly sunk relief with the name of Queen Tiye. The top is medium high and is shallowly incised with details of good workmanship.
This piece functioned as an individualized amulet, and was originally mounted or threaded. Scarabs with Tiye's name and title are very well known, and have been found in Egypt and abroad. They should secure Tiye's royal status, but also guarantee her royal patronage for a private owner of the amulet. Moreover, it is likely that the Egyptians believed that Tiye had a special relation to the gods, and would function as a mediator.
There are many scarabs and plaques with the name of Queen Tiye, and most of them are not personal seals, but supportive amulets given to honorable people in Egypt and abroad. The impressive amount of scarabs with Tiye's name (alone or together with the name of her husband, Amenophis III) demonstrates beside many other monuments the very special role of this queen, and her political and religion importance.
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