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Contessa Brazza de Savorgnan, by Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun


Contessa Brazza de Savorgnan, by Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun



Contessa Brazza de Savorgnan, by Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun
Identifier: frick-31072001452285 (find matches)
Title: Early English, Dutch and Flemish paintings at the Blakeslee Galleries, 353 Fifth Avenue .. (electronic resource)
Year: 1900 (1900s)
Authors: Blakeslee Galleries (New York, N.Y.)
Subjects: Painting
Publisher: New York
Contributing Library: Frick Art Reference Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Metropolitan New York Library Council – METRO

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nches. THE interesting career of this distinguished French paintergives added iclat to her work; Madame le Brun enjoyinga patronage in France, England, Italy, and Russia that hascome to few men, and absolutely never before or since toany one of her sex. It is said that she painted no less thantwenty-five portraits of Marie Antoinette, with whom shewas on terms of great intimacy, and she was a member ofmany European academies. Seated on a couch surrounded with velvet cushions of adeep crimson tone, the subject of this portrait bears the un-mistakable evidence of patrician origin. The costume ofwhite satin fits exquisitely, and is enhanced by a delicatescarf thrown over the shoulders. A powdered coiffure ofthe fashion of the day gives a distinction, while the face,bright, intellectual, and full of beauty, is painted with greatvigor and a surety. From the collection of the present Contessa Brazza de Savorgnan,near Venice. Now in the collection of Mr. Victor Morawetz. MADAME VIGEE LE BRUN
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CONTESSA BRAZZA DE SAVORGNAN. No. 4LJOHN HOPPNER, RA. J758—J810.Little Gipsy Girl. Height, 30 inches. Width, 25 inches. HOPPNER made his manner of painting suit his themes, andin this engaging little motive his treatment is full of ineffablecharm, for in depicting the girlishness and roguery of thelittle model he has obtained much daintiness and beauty.In a woodland stands a child, her golden hair caught by thesunlight and her face brilliantly lit. A little white garmentfalls off the shoulders, and in her hands she holds some grapes.The eyes are bright, the face smiling, and the pink and whiteof the flesh are delightfully rendered. Now in the collection of Mr. Victor Morawetz. No, 42. EARLY GERMAN. On the Way to Calvary* Height, 33 inches. Width, 37 inches. THE primitive, formal, and essentially serious manner ofthe early German art-workers is interestingly put forth inthis canvas, which is thoroughly representative of the time andthe thought of the epoch. The theme is The Way of th





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early english dutch and flemish paintings at the blakeslee galleries 353 fifth avenue 1900
early english dutch and flemish paintings at the blakeslee galleries 353 fifth avenue 1900
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