Constitutional Rights of Military Personnel. Hearings . . . 1962 (Federal Research Division: Customized Research and Analytical Services, Library of Congress)
The hearings took place between February 20 and March 12, 1962. This document contains statements by 26 individuals, including Hon. Sam J. Ervin, Jr. (Senator, North Carolina), Hon. Kenneth B. Keating (Senator, New York), Hon. Carlisle P. Runge (Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower), Hon. Alfred B. Fitt (Deputy Under Secretary of the Army for Management), Hon. Paul B. Fay, Jr. (Under Secretary of the Navy), Hon. Benjamin W. Fridge (Special Assistant to Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower, Personnel and Reserve Forces), Rear Admiral William C. Mott (Judge Advocate General of the Navy), and Hon. Robert E. Quinn (Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Military Appeals). An appendix includes: questionnaires as well as an "Aide Memoire" from the Subcommittee sent to the Army, Navy, and Air Force, followed by their responses. The appendix also includes a "Summary of Facts and Legal Issues" from each of the military branches, and two letters addressed to U.S. Senator Kenneth B. Keating, one from Major General D. W. McGowan (Chief, National Guard Bureau, dated April 25, 1962) and the other from Hon. Carlisle P. Runge (dated April 9, 1962).
Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site.
Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site.
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